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NHRA Technical Department announces changes to the AIR FOIL, WINGS Section of the General Regulations of the 2016 rulebook.

The following amendment will be included in the next release of the 2016 NHRA Rulebook Amendments:

Beginning Jan. 1, 2016: For all open-wheel/body cars where rear wings are permitted the wing may either be fully mounted to the roll cage only via plates and/or short brackets; maximum 6 inches center-to-center between the upper (wing tab) and lower (roll cage tab) bolts or .  Tube type or extended wing stands are prohibited when mounting wings to any components of the driver’s compartment of any SFI specification roll cage For all vehicles with cage mounted wings, vehicle must have a rear roll-cage shroud. A multi-piece shroud is permitted. The shroud must be constructed of minimum .075-inch Grade 2 ASTM-B-265 titanium or .090-inch 4130 steel or be of NHRA-accepted composite construction and must be shaped to conform to the roll cage. The shroud must be attached to each of the side bars with a minimum of three 1/4-inch-minimum-diameter Grade 8 bolts and bosses per side, to the top with one 1/4-inch-minimum-diameter Grade 8 bolt and boss, and to the rear bars with a minimum of two 1/4-inch-minimum-diameter Grade 8 bolts and bosses per side. Tabs with bolt and nut, where the nut is welded to the tab, may be used in place of the bosses. Absolutely no components may be mounted to the helmet shroud above the top of the shoulder hoop. Bolt heads must be ½-inch hex-style head.

NHRA-accepted helmet shrouds must be made as a one-piece shroud, a two-piece shroud, where each half must overlap; or a three-piece shroud, that includes two side shields and the center section.

 All shrouds must fully encapsulate the rear braces and the secondary roll-cage hoop on the sides and top; when viewed from the rear, the shroud must cover the complete visible roll-cage structure. On the bottom, the shroud must have 2-inch clearance between the upper frame rail/shoulder hoop; on the top and sides, the entire shroud must extend fully forward to at least the centerline of the side bars. Shrouds maybe notched to accommodate wings brackets.   

When the shroud is fabricated as a two-piece unit, the components must overlap a minimum of 3/4-inch per side.

On a three-piece shroud, the center/rear section of the shroud may stand off from/behind the side pieces by no more than ¾ inches at any point and must overlap each side a minimum of 1 1/2 inches. The side shrouds must extend to the centerline of the rear hoops.