What are the rules for towing a Jr Dragster?
Jumping Jr Jack,
In the 2019 NHRA Jr Dragster Rulebook Section 9 Support Group, page 40 it reads “Anytime a Jr Dragster is being towed, the driver must be seated in the cockpit. A fluorescent or brightly colored flag, attached to Jr Dragster anytime vehicle is towed, mandatory. Minimum height above ground when attached, 5 feet. A Jr Dragster may not be pushed by any motorized vehicle. Tow strap may not be attached to any portion of the roll cage. A Jr Dragster may be towed with a front-end dolly as long as the front end is secured and the front wheels are elevated off the ground. A maximum of two vehicles can be towed in a side-by-side configuration. One vehicle may be towed on a front-end dolly and another in tandem with a strap”