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NHRA Tech Department Rescission Letter

If you believe you have an official written opinion from NHRA that allows you to use something that is not in compliance with the below , you must provide a copy of such written opinion to the NHRA Tech Department by sending it to TechDL@NHRA.com .  If and to the extent that such written opinions exist, they are subject to rescission in the sole and absolute discretion of NHRA.  

In accordance with the NHRA Rulebook, any item not allowed under the 2022 NHRA Rulebook (including amendments), or that is not on the current NHRA Accepted Products List or in compliance with current NHRA Engine Blueprint Specifications, is not allowed to be used in competition.

The NHRA Rulebook states in part as follows:

1.2.4 Official Opinions on Technical Issues Participants may request official opinions on technical issues from NHRA. This type of opinion may be requested, for example, on the acceptability of specific items of equipment or body designs. Any request for an official opinion on technical issues must be made in writing and submitted to the NHRA Technical Department.

1.2.5 Informal Interpretations on Technical Issues Participants may communicate with the NHRA Technical Department regarding explanations and interpretations of rules. These communications are advisory only.

1.6.2   …Technical inspection does not ensure that the vehicle or any part thereof is safe. Having gone through technical inspection does not ensure that a vehicle, in whole or in part, is in compliance with the Rulebook. Technical inspection by an event official does not in any way change the fact that the driver, the crewmembers, and the vehicle owner are ultimately responsible for the safety and operation of the vehicle and equipment, and the ultimate decision as to whether or not to participate in any event, even if such participation is approved by an event official.